70 Days Project

70 Days Project 2022: Jon Rappoport, two moments that led to The Matrix Revealed

I remember this former investigative reporter from his days reporting for CBS Healthwatch, back in the day when network news seemed real. Not being a consumer of late-night radio or alternative news, his name only popped up again during the last two years searching for real news. On August 7, 2022, in his post, “Two […]

70 Days Project

70 Days Project 2022: Robert Malone’s continued awakening, many aha moments

How do you know a person’s true motives? Dr. Robert Malone, credited as being a key contributor to the invention of mRNA technology, as evidenced by this declaration, is one of the many thousands of doctors and scientists who, in addition to being marginalized and censored over these last many months, have risked their jobs, […]

70 Days Project

70 Days Project 2022: It will never happen here

In the 1960’s all was good in America, said 90 year-old G. Edward Griffin yesterday at the Red Pill Expo in Indianapolis. Even with tensions in the U.S. and around the world, he said that in the 60’s there was a secure feeling by most Americans that “[communism] would never happen here.” Like Dr. Bryan […]

70 Days Project

70 Days Project 2022: Why would we close?

In March of 2020, Dr. David Brownstein did not stop treating his patients and he told his frightened staff when they asked when they would be closing the office, “Why would we close the office, we’ve got therapies for viral illnesses. We’ve been doing these therapies for over two decades.” He posted his life-saving treatments […]

70 Days Project

70 Days Project 2022: Going the way of his truth

Del Bigtree is creator and host of The Highwire, which airs on Thursday afternoons. Bigtree was producer at the CBS TV show The Doctors and Dr. Phil for many years. Bigtree gives testimony, at various times during his shows and personal appearances, to his experience with vaccine safety censorship while he was at CBS. He […]

70 Days Project

70 Days Project 2022: Testimony of truth

Do you remember your first big “aha” moment? The time you realized that someone close to you, or a coworker, lied to you or about you. And, not just a small white lie, but a significant life-altering lie. This year, for the third annual 70 Days Project, I will be recognizing individuals who had this […]

Analysis & Comment Governance

Stop 30×30 Summit

Is 30×30 conservation or land grab? 30×30, or “America the Beautiful” initiative, is a reference to President Biden’s Executive Order 14008, with the goal of conserving at least 30 percent of U.S. lands and waters by 2030, the “U.S. International Climate Finance Plan” signed January 27, 2021. A summary at explains, “Executive Order 14008, […]


Primary 2022

Sources – note some media links require access to NewsBank through Lincoln City Libraries resources page 5/4/22 1011 Now – Over 8,000 Democrats change party affiliation statewide ahead of primary, NE SOS voter registration statistics Lancaster County Voter Registration Changes 2022 Republican Democrat Total January 78,232 70,682 148,914 May 80,014 69,517 149,531 Difference 1,782 -1,165 […]


Truth Calls During Controlled Demolition, a Timeline

Accountability for Covid deaths February 18, 2022, Tom Cowan, MD on current Covid legal strategies, at 17:30 mark find out what Tom thinks will happen with the PCR argument. See also virus isolation. February 8, 2022, Luc Montagnier dies at 89, days before he was expected to testify on the PCR. The Guardian claims that […]

Analysis & Comment Events

Desire for Individual Liberty Grows Visibility

As testimony begins before the International Grand Jury, Court of Public Opinion we see COVID19 lock-down restrictions fall worldwide and the ramp-up of HIV messaging from Harry Mountbatten-Windsor, Duke of Sussex. Amid the ever-changing health emergency landscape, American support begins for Canadian truckers who are protesting mandatory COVID19 injections. See below for response in Lincoln, […]