The 70 Days Project is an annual effort started in 2020 with Facebook posts. The 70 Days, from July 4 through September 11, are a time of reflection and analysis. A time to pull the threads that connect the past with the future, to visualize the cloth that patterns Lincoln today, and to examine how the whole garment fits.
- 70 Days Project 2024: A foothold on reality, living in peace, Sept. 8, 2024
- 70 Days Project 2024: Context, July 19, 2024
- 70 Days Project 2024: Rules of the Game, July 4, 2024
- 70 Days Project 2023: The Power of Story Sept. 11, 2023: The theory that words can dictate thought – Dr. MacQueen’s focus on the power of the story told by mainstream media
- 70 Days Project 2023: Why do some people call it COVID 1984? July 4, 2023: Look back, why people call it Covid 1984, consider dependence on authority and reclaiming our autority
- 70 Days Project 2022: Light always wins over darkness Setp 11, 2022: Broken and hard world. Focus on the good, accountability. More questions. Lessons learned. Hope for the insouciant? Those who have risked everything to tell the truth. Peace doing what I can, God does the rest. Light always wins over darkness. Some history links on various topics.
- 70 Days Project 2022: Life is a Secret Sept. 10, 2022: Stefan Lanka – stay decent and ask the right questions, you might get answer
- 70 Days Project 2022: Jon Rappoport, two moments that led to The Matrix Revealed Aug. 10, 2022: How the mind works for those who are curious and thoughtful. How the thread of truth reveals itself. Recognizing the connections between real major events and major players.
- 70 Days Project 2022: Robert Malone’s continued awakening, many aha moments July 23, 2022
- 70 Days Project 2022: It will never happen here July 11, 2022
- 70 Days Project 2022: Why would we close? July 8, 2022
- 70 Days Project 2022: Going the way of his truth July 5, 2022
- 70 Days Project 2022: Testimony of truth July 4, 2022
- “What more do you need to see?” Sept. 10, 2021
- Don’t Finance Your Enemy Aug. 14, 2021
- Compare Two Versions of History & Power July 31, 2021
- Second Annual 70 Days Project July 31, 2021
70 Days Project 2020: originally posted to Facebook
A look back at the 2020 posts with several later notes and links added.
September 11, 2020 – Never give up in seeking truth

So what does it mean to focus 70 days, from Independence Day to 9/11, on the events of 9/11 and the impact on our lives today? Perhaps some value personally, but history tells us probably not much corporately. Is this a reason to ignore a call to focus? To never give up? To never forget?
The Lincoln Journal Star asked it’s readers yesterday to respond to the question, ‘How did you first hear about the 9/11 terrorist attacks?’ With this question, LJS skillfully asked readers to focus on themselves while reinforcing the lie that the event was caused by known terrorists. As of a little after 10 pm last night, many people started their response with ‘I,’ and all but one focused on a personal account of their location and/or activity. Only one person responded with an emoji eye rolling and commented “Inside job?” Is that mocking? Another this morning commented “Just report the news.”
What are the respectful and constructive questions to ask ourselves about the events of that day? Does anyone want to know what is happening with 9/11 families and their legal pursuits in America, and in other countries? Did they receive justice? Are any of the families being marginalized and censored? Is justice important, or should they be shunned and encouraged to just forgive and move on? Discussing the attack of 9/11 is as polarizing as discussions about the current attack we are under. A majority of Americans don’t want to think of it. And the so-called “noble” lie continues.
If you watch the 9/11 documentary produced for CBS with the Naudet brother’s footage, you will see the firefighters of Engine 7, Ladder 1, shown in this image blandly discussing what they just experienced. However, you will only find this particular clip of that encounter, with Capt. Tardio, and another firefighter, demonstrating the explosions with hand gestures in works such as the firefighter’s documentary Beyond Bravo 7. As the propagandist know, lies of omission are easy.
So, how to respectfully answer the LJS question? I first heard, almost immediately, that the attacks were committed by Osama bin Laden. I later learned that this was not true, and that families have been lied to and prevented from seeking justice. How are we, as Americans, responsible for seeking the truth? How can we be informed about those we elect to office and for those we trust to provide news? So this 70 days was my small part to learn, to help inform, to never give up and to never forget. Seek truth, justice and peace.
September 10, 2020 – Beyond Bravo-7

2024 Notes: Beyond Bravo-7, the 9/11 cover-up and how the world actually operates.
September 9, 2020 – Calling Out Bravo-7

2024 Notes: Calling Out Bravo-7, fire physics, building design, and why firefighters still commit to fight hi-rise fires without fear of sudden collapse. 2020 Edition.
September 8, 2020 – A foothold in reality

Grand Jury Petition, Exhibit 27 – Petition 1, March 12, 2019, BBC Jane Standley at 5:00 pm, “Jane, what more can you tell us about the Solomon Brothers Building and it’s collapse?”
“Well, only really what you already know, details are very, very sketchy. As you can see behind me, the Trade Center appears to be still burning. We see the huge clouds of smoke and ash. And, we know that behind that there’s what was an empty piece of what was a very familiar New York skyline. A symbol of the financial prosperity of this city. But, completely disappeared now. And, New Yorkers still unable to take on board what has happened to them today.”
“Presumably, there were very few people in the Solomon Building when it collapsed. I mean, there were, I suppose, fears of possible further collapses around the area.”
WTC 7 you’ll notice is just behind Ms. Standley. The building collapsed at 5:20 pm. In addition to keeping a promise to the 9/11 families to never forget, the purpose of remembering and educating ourselves about the events of 9/11 is to establish and maintain a foothold in the real world, and to promote a common understanding of the role that global power influencers have on us, and our communities, today.
2024 Note: WTC 7 is the Solomon Building. For more see Dr. Hulsey explain the NIST report and that engineer’s responsibility to guard public safety.
September 7, 2020 – Bob Kerrey and a 30 year old conspiracy

What conspiracy is Senator Bob Kerry referring to?
Support the family members, first responders, pilots, scientists, lawyers, engineers, architects, and others seeking truth and justice for those killed on that fateful day, almost 19 years ago, and in all conspiracies before and since that time, under the guise of national security and safety.
- Part 1:
- Part 2:
- Part 3:
September 6, 2020 –

Ask a demolition contractor if it’s possible to prepare a 47-story building for controlled demolition in a single afternoon. See Grand Jury Petition, Exhibit 20 – Petition 1, March 12, 2019, a video from America Rebuilds – Silverstein, WTC Leaseholder, “I remember getting a call from the fire department commander telling me they were not sure they were going to be able to contain the fire. I said, you know we’ve had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it. And they made that decision to pull. And, then we watched the building collapse.” World Trade Center 7 fell in controlled demolition on 9/11/2001 at 5:20 p.m.
September 5, 2020 – Like a bad special effect

The self-healing south tower. An ABC News reporter is with Peter Jennings – Jennings, “Completely in one side and out the other.” The other reporter responds, “It just disappeared. It disappeared like a bad special effect. Disappeared right into the building. I’ve seen it six, seven times now. It’s still incomprehensible what is actually happening there.” Jennings, “The modern technology enables us to see horror just as we are able to see sport, in a variety of different speeds, or at a variety of different speeds.”
September 4, 2020 – The public-private partnership

September 2, 2020 – History repeats itself

Some heavy duty sarcasm to cut through the BS fog, like maybe nothing else can.
My favorite quotes from her are, “Research takes away from me time” and “Did you think you were having a unique experience?” The “me time” reminds me of a conversation I had with a professor a couple of weeks ago. In small talk about the chaos she said, “I just don’t think about it…”
Consider the book, published in 1998, by pianist and Hungarian immigrant Balint Vazsonyi, “America’s 30 Years War.” The book delineates the differences between individual rights/rule of law and “social” justice, between equality and egality. And, between the real human struggle for justice and the goal of eliminating differences.
A quote from page 59, in the chapter called “Social Justice” describes the zero-sum game of “social” justice, “Prophets of social justice – communists, whether by that or any other name – focus on who should have less. Because they have nothing to give, they can only take away. First, they take away opportunity. Next, they take away possessions. In the end, they have to take away life itself. Are two of the three taking hold already?”
Vazsonyi wrote that in 1998. Today, the first step is nearly complete. If people don’t resist, they will wrap up the second and third steps soon. What I grieve is that so many people are either totally unaware or are good with that.
September 2, 2020 – Working for justice

August 29, 2020 – The Great Reset, build back better

Promoting The Great Reset
A United Nations concert book-ended with a greeting by Prince Charles and a song by the International School of Suva and Pacifika Voices, called We Will Rise. Charles reminds viewers of his visit to the islands when they were granted independence in 1970, just prior to institution of what would become the central bank of Fiji.

Charles references the climate change conference in Glasgow, November 2021, and he expresses a need for acceleration of climate change solutions at scale, “We have the opportunity to reset, and build back better to a more sustainable, resilient, and inclusive future for the generations that follow. It is absolutely vital that we rapidly scale up our efforts to restore and protect humanity’s lost balance with nature if we are to build the necessary foundation for sustainable and inclusive growth for generations to come. While seeking to raise the global ambition for net zero from 2050 to 2035, my sustainable markets initiative and the great reset are looking urgently to put people and planet at the heart of global value creation…. We must put nature at the heart of our economy and treat her with the reverence she deserves.” (2024 note: see above link for archived video)
We Will Rise
(Ch..?) down, and broken-hearted, trying to smile again
Lives are lost, children are suffering, …..
Around the world we’re closing borders, Covid-19 on the rise
A new world order behind closed doors, the storm will pass, we will survive
We will rise, we will rise again, our isles will rise again
We will rise, we will rise again, our world will rise again
Pacific Islands, let’s stand together, you light our eyes and let’s fight
One people we are, our island’s hour, ……
With new beginnings, changing our lifestyles, we’ve got to think and think twice
The future’s in our hands, we must protect it, rise up, stand up and unite
Around the world, we’re closing borders, Covid-19 on the rise
A new world order, behind closed doors, the storm will pass, we will survive
We will rise, we will rise again, our isles will rise again
We will rise, we will rise again, our world will rise again
Pacific Islands, let’s turn together, you light our eyes and let’s fight
One people we are, our island’s hour, …
We will rise, we will rise again, our isles will rise again
We will rise, we will rise again, our world will rise again
We will rise, we will rise again, our isles will rise again
We will rise, we will rise again, our world will rise again
2024 Note: Original UN link video now “private” The UN concert heading is “Virtual Concert unites Pacific with the world in battling COVID-19”
August 25, 2020 – Pandemic climate change

Tucker had more than just half a red pill last night! Not enough, though, to speak of The City.
How long will this last? When we flatten the curve? When we get a vaccine?
No, according to the WHO’s Dr. Tedros, “We will not, we cannot go back to the way things were….The pandemic has given new impetus to the need to accelerate efforts to respond to climate change. The pandemic has given us a glimpse of our world as it could be. Cleaner skies and rivers”Eugenics wrapped in global Utopian promises and tied with threats of continued crises.
World Economic Forum/Great Reset
2024 Notes: This episode also covered the riots in Wisconsin
August 23, 2020 – Great Reset conspiracy theory

At work last week, an educated man, who works in the heart of the technology education industry, asked me what I thought about wearing a mask. I asked him what he knew about the World Economic Forum’s ‘Great Reset,’ Event 201, and ID2020. He said he wasn’t into conspiracy theories. I offered that those events and planners represent some of the biggest news and impact on the world today. I asked if he hadn’t seen anything about it in the news. Again, he said he wasn’t into conspiracies. And, he didn’t appear to be joking.
To agree, or not, with the goals of the WEF ‘Great Reset,’ ID2020 and Event 201, and associated the UN and the WHO plans for sustainable development, is one thing. To call them conspiracy theory is quite another.
August 18, 2020 – Flood the zone and censor

Prior to 2020, who would have imagined that “flood the zone” meant what we see happening today? Non-stop 24/7 messaging, and the literal censoring of many, many respected dissenting views. Consider how much, if any, censored media you will see where they “flood the zone.” To see everything you need to swim in clear, open waters.
EVENT 201, A GLOBAL PANDEMIC EXERCISE, was held on October 18, 2019, the same day as the start of the Wuhan Military Games, where the U.S. military participants did not place in any event.
During the Event 201 exercise, one panelist, Matthew Harrington, a specialist in corporate positioning and reputation management from the global public relations firm Edelman, responded to a question about how, and if, communication should be controlled during a pandemic. After Harrington discusses “trust in the ecosystem,” and the importance of CEO’s, business leaders, and leadership organization, in maintaining the extraordinary trust that employees give their employers, he adds, “I also think we’re at a moment where the social media platforms have to step forward and recognize their moment to assert that they are a technology platform, and not a broadcaster, is over. They, in fact, have to be a participant in broadcasting accurate information, and partnering with the scientific and health communities to counterweight, if not flood the zone, of accurate information because to put the genie back in the bottle of misinformation and disinformation is nigh impossible.” Video segment 4, time reference 07:10,
This exercise was sponsored by Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, the World Economic Forum, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
2024 Note: Archive link to Event 201 Videos – video is no longer available
August 16, 2020 – The Gates plan

My new InfoMask BetaVersion1.0. How long will you wear your mask?
“…for the world at large, normalcy only returns when we’ve largely vaccinated the entire global population.” Bill Gates, Financial Times, April 9, 2020
World Economic Forum, The Great Reset and ID2020
Wearable Wireless Networks for Internet of Humans: Trends and Challenges, Journal of Telecommunications System & Management
Science-based medicine, Dealing with vaccine hesitancy and refusal, August 1, 2016,
“An RNA vaccine essentially turns your body into its own vaccine manufacturing unit.”
Bill Gates, Gates Notes, The First Modern Pandemic, April 23, 2020

July 12, 2020 – “Like a new Pearl Harbor”

The site of the lush, green countryside, dotted with traditional red-tiled roofs of small German towns made for an enjoyable day on the motor coach as we traveled from Hamburg to Lucerne. I think now of all the people in those small towns today, and the people I spent time with in the Soviet Union and in various European cities. I think about their kindness, the fun we had, and their hard work. I saw very little of their vices. And, I wonder what they think about the world today.
Like most people, reminiscing about their youth, I can think of several times during my travels that my naivety could have ended in tragedy. In stark contrast to the young girl, Kazimiera, knelt in grief next to her dead sister, Anna, photographed by Julien Bryan during early WWII attacks on Poland, our group traveled Europe unencumbered and carefree, encountering only the minor brush with a determined group of protesters. We had just a glimpse of what had been, and what was to come. There was nothing significant that I understood at the time.
How would I recognize what was uncovered during the 1952 Reese committee hearings to investigate tax-exempt foundations, and comparable organizations, planning for the control of education and uncovering a desire that the war not end too quickly? Could I know that the 1910 Flexner Report, sponsored by the Carnegie Foundation, would impact medicine’s relationship with big pharma today? If not from educational institutions, as guardians of history, where should I learn about the power and influence of foundations, such as Rockefeller’s and Guggenheim’s, that have sought to form public opinion through education? Why would I question whether these organizations had the global population’s best interest in mind? And, is there an acceptable ratio of a nefarious foundation’s gifts to their crimes?
A document called Rebuilding America’s Defenses, dated September 2000, sponsored by the Project for a New American Century, included a Bilderberg-like group of contributors from several US government military agencies, educational institutions, Johns Hopkins University and others, media outlets, and non-governmental and philanthropic organizations. In the chapter on creating tomorrow’s dominate force, the group considers moving aggressively to experiment with new technologies, exploiting the revolution in military affairs. The group expresses concern about the pace of change writing, “Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor. Domestic politics and industrial policy will shape the pace and content of transformation as much as the requirements of current missions.” That fateful September day occurred just one year later.
At break-neck speed, if ID2020 is real, are we informed? Is “our choice,” as they like to call it, an acceptable choice that supports liberty and freedom? Seek truth, justice and peace.
- Dodd Report to the Reece Committee on Foundations
- Rebuilding America’s Defenses
- Corporate involvement and foreknowledge of war:
- September 11, 2001
- Pandemic I 2020
- ID2020 Manifesto
- Event 201, sponsored by Johns Hopkins University, World Economic Forum, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
- “MIT News – Storing medical information below the skin’s surface” using microneedles made from dissolvable sugar, polymer called PVA, quantum-dot dye detectible up to 5 years, and the vaccine:
- News video “Possible Coronavirus Vaccine Found By University Of Pennsylvania Researchers” using microneedle array, human trials pending, administered like a band-aid
- Apiject, DOD and HHS award $138 Million Contact for prefilled vials with RFID chips
- Apiject, Jay Walker, Chairman of RAPID and CEO of Apiject, video on plastic vial prep with RFID chip data tracking, filling 330 million in 30 days
- Apiject Founder, Marc Koska, What is a “smart” syringe? By 2020, you’ll be getting all your shots with one
July 11, 2020 – Government

Rebildfesten, 9/11, and 29 sources for today. Next on the journey was our homestays in Denmark, with brief overnight stops in Hamburg and Copenhagen for sightseeing and entertainment. My Danish homestay family were dairy farmers living near Struer, a young couple with two small children. I wasn’t on the farm long enough to develop an appreciation for the fine dairy aroma, but I did enjoy the experience and I learned some interesting new ways.
The US bicentennial, the 200th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence occurred during our visit to Denmark. Denmark has celebrated the US holiday since 1912, when an Illinois-based Danish-American group called the Rebild Society purchased a revered piece of land on the Danish peninsula of Jutland. The group gifted the land, Rebild National Park, to King Christian IX on the condition that it remain natural and available for an annual American independence celebration.
On July 4, our tour group members were gathered up from our homestays to visit Rebildfesten, the annual celebration at Rebild. We were in a large crowd at the park when commotion started up behind us. We looked to find many people, in traditional Native American dress, on horseback lining the hill crest shouting loudly in what I could only assume were protests. Tension spread through the crowd about what could happen. There was enough flurry of activity that I don’t recall hearing or seeing any of the scheduled events. At some point I was handed a pamphlet with an angry drawing of Uncle Sam on the front, and “Tillykke (Congratulations), Happy Birthday, USA.”
The pamphlet explained that the protest, like similar protests in the US, was calling for action from blacks, foreign workers, poor whites, and “everyone that wished to oppose the powers exploiting the people of the earth and its resources.” It continued, “This is not a paper-tiger but an octopus with its tentacles in all parts of the world… the multinational companies from Greenex to ITT and Standard Oil. Today the representatives for these powers are gathered in Rebild Hills where Denmark is howling with the wolfs as the only country outside the US… It is the same powers that are creating class-division throughout the world, everywhere the wealth is piled up by the ones that own the means of production… We must be united… against a common enemy… a sharp contrast to the ruling classes of western civilization.” Consider the link: July 4, 1976 Rebild Festival protest and speech by Queen Margrethe II
Then, on that fateful day, almost 19 years ago, the global rulers, committed perhaps the largest hoax, and crimes, the world has ever witnessed in order to further their plans for global control. Consider the link: 9/11 Grand Jury Petition Exhibit #20 – Larry Silverstein, owner of WTC 7, describes that “the smartest thing to do was to pull it,” to bring down WTC 7. The term “pull it” is used by demolition contractors when it comes time to detonate and bring down a structure.
Also please consider the Corbett Report piece “9/11 Trillions: Follow the Money” covering: 1) related stock trading crimes were never prosecuted, 2) a technology firm’s “god’s eye view,” and access to critical cross-agency defense systems, and 3) a head defense contractor’s move to Comptroller of the Pentagon in 2001 after failure of the Pentagon to account for $2.3 trillion, and his involvement in a September 2000 document calling for US forces to exploit the “revolution in military affairs,” and proposing that advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.
July 10, 2020 – Stoking outrage and hatred

When visiting the Soviet Union, our orientation informed us, “be ready for a culture shock”. My impression was that of traveling back in time to the 1940’s. The simple beauty of workers in the field bailing grass high into a large wooden wagon, the quaint train ride from Moscow to Leningrad, and the basic provisions of our hotel and the markets provided stark contrast to our arrival at the Amsterdam airport. Even in the dark of night the airport was awake, alive, and current.
Hoorn, in the Netherlands, was the city of my first homestay. I stayed with a family of five in a brick two-story row house. The older Will, and young Henri, were brothers to Margret, my same-aged homestay sister. Their parents were kind and welcoming. The city was beautiful and we had great fun shopping, swimming, and visiting museums and windmills.
During one conversation, I said something about freedom in the US, and Margret quickly pointed out many areas where Netherlanders have much more freedom. I ran across some of those freedoms, and observed how they affected Margret and her family. Another thing that struck me was when someone expressed their dislike for Belgians. I asked a couple questions to find out why they would dislike the people of an entire country, but I never really figured it out. Later, I understood how these conflicts of stereotype are part of the human condition, and happen all the time, everywhere.
So how does this aspect of conflict and the human condition make it simple for tyrants to orchestrate their plans? Consider the media lies and propaganda that stoked US outrage toward an entire group of people on that fateful day, nearly 19 years ago. CBS news reported within minutes of the attack that the FBI’s working premise pinned responsibility on Osama bin Laden, and that 60 FBI experts would be immediately dispatched to New York to pick up the bits of debris that fell on the streets. Also telling is that the first national anti-war demonstration wasn’t held until April 2002. Over 5 months after the US began bombing Afghanistan.
Seek justice and peace. View the evidence at Lawyers’ Committee for 9-11 Inquiry petition and exhibits. See also Firefighters for 9-11 Truth videos. See also Architects & Engineers for 9-11 Truth, Pilots for 9-11 Truth, and Corbet Report 9-11 research.
- 9/11 Trillions: Follow The Money
- 9/11 War Games
- 9/11 Whistleblowers
- 9/11 Suspects
- False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda
- PTech and the 9/11 Software
July 9, 2020 – From chaos and division to the “New Normal”

We visited Lenin’s tomb on an overcast day in Red Square. Our tour group moved through the mausoleum in silence, and I wondered about the purpose of having the former Communist Party leader’s remains on display for over 50 years. I was rather relieved to see that the remains appeared like the wax figures I had seen during a family trip to Madame Tussaud’s in San Francisco. I’m encouraged to read that some Russia leaders today advocate for burying Lenin’s remains, as they believe he wished.
The 2017 BBC segment “Russia: 100 Years on from Revolution” mocks the mausoleum, and pokes fun at the 14,000 statues of Lenin in that country. Describing Lenin as the “Bolshevik who waged war on religion,” and “the closest thing commoners have had to a god.” The reporter concludes his piece by calling the tomb a relic of a lost world.
How does conflict over the interpretation of monuments and statues address the real roots of the chaos and division? Whether removing Lenin statues in Ukraine, Hoxha statues in Albania, or “Silent Sam” statues in North Carolina, it is common to question superficial symptoms and not report about the real reasons offensive statues are not removed. Just like the terror on that fateful day, followed by a beautiful new memorial and land development, there are questions few will ask, and still fewer will answer, because most people don’t really want to know.
G. Edward Griffin on the four stages of conquering a country from within as told by Yuri . 1) demoralization 2) destabilization 3) crisis and 4) normalization. Griffin says in 2020 that we are at the end of stage 3. Short course on Communist Takeover of U.S. 2024 Note: This link is no longer valid. Video available on here:
July 8, 2020 – The Great Purge, stoking division

My first impression of the Soviet Union in mid-June, 1976, was cold, dark and unfriendly, very unorganized. But after meeting our tour guide, Tania, things ran smoothly. We took the subway to see some sites, but for the most part traveled by motor coach. The metro stations were very efficient, spotless, with gleaming white tile.
The period of our visit was during the time when the current city of Saint Petersburg was named Leningrad. During that time historic churches were used for tourism, not worship. After the Great Purge of the early 1930’s, under Soviet socialist policy, membership in religious organizations was considered incompatible with membership in the Communist Party.
As our tour group entered one of these historic churches, I was standing by our guide, Tania, just in the entryway. Some of the more extroverted girls were up a little farther into the narthex. They were talking, laughing, and smiling. I don’t recall them being unusually loud or rowdy. Tania leaned over to ask me why the girls were so jovial (my word, I can’t recall her exact words). I think I said something about them just having a good time, or enjoying themselves.
During the Great Purge, the Party advocated for elimination of religious beliefs using propaganda to mold public opinion for dekulakization (the removal of prosperous peasants) and they were responsible for the genocide of over five million people, including at least 106,300 clergymen.
As always, history repeats itself. Those holding global power will back any movement or belief that furthers their agenda of control. They disregard the destruction and death they dictate, as they sow chaos, division and hate. Like Lenin and Trotsky were aided in the cause by the globalists, the top brass must be pleased to see how well the latest harvest of 2020 academic socialists are stereotyping an entire group of similarly skin-toned people as “white supremacists,” and claiming this group can never really purge their power and white privilege.
Will the globalist’s current plan work as well as their plan for that fateful day, nearly 19 years ago, with death and destruction, land and resource grabs, and even more global control and surveillance?
They’ve been practicing a long time, so they are prepared. They repeat the same plans because they work.
The ID2020 Manifesto assures us that “identity is a human right and that individuals must have ‘ownership’ over their own identity.” Good to know…
Mastercard joins blockchain digital identity alliance ID2020, Ledger Insights, May 22, 2020
July 7, 2020 – The Great Reset and the flag as a powerful symbol of solidarity for liberty and freedom

Mrs. Schumann was one of my favorite teachers. She helped me discover how much I enjoy writing. One day in class she gave me information about traveling with the People-to-People student ambassador program. The thought of traveling sounded exciting and Mrs. Schumann planned to serve as a chaperone.
After some thought, Mom and Dad agreed to the trip, and we talked about the risks, including a stop in the U.S.S.R. The program provided orientation on how to prepare, what to expect, and how to behave. Orientation also cautioned us that it was particularly important to observe laws of the U.S.S.R. “at all times.”
After a tour of Washington D.C., our first city was Moscow, and currency exchange. At the time of my travels, I little cared why it was illegal to leave the U.S.S.R. with rubles. And until recently, I had no knowledge about how central banking practices touch everything, including war and terror.
Many years after my trip, and after that fateful day when terror reigned, I found myself searching for a Bicentennial pin I had saved. The PTP program had encouraged us to trade small items of value with Soviet youth, and I had saved one as a memento. And, since flag pins were scarce after the attacks, we also did the popular thing and made flags from safety pins and beads for the many people who wanted to show their support for the families of those who were killed.
However much we still aspire to, and fall short of, the ideals our flag represents, and the closer we come to The Great Reset planned by the World Economic Forum, and other similar plans, the flag of the United States of America remains a powerful symbol of solidarity for liberty and freedom. And, liberty and freedom are our reason to resist their plans by becoming peacefully involved and demanding justice and accountability.
2024 Notes: The Great Reset: The Highwire interview of James Corbett posted to the Corbett Report.

This original link is no longer valid:

However, the link was archived first on June 5, 2020, here: and here

July 6, 2020 – Edward Bernays and propaganda

I didn’t believe my elementary school teacher when she told my class that only the Russians distribute propaganda. It didn’t make sense to me. If it worked, why wouldn’t everyone use it? It made even less sense as the years progressed. And, as time passed after that fateful day, the images I watched on TV did not match the stories I was hearing. I began to wonder what was going on, but had little time to think of it.

In this link, Edward Curtin explains the linguistic mind-control involved in good propaganda.
July 5, 2020 – Day of the attack, an ambivalent relationship, and one man’s murdered son

Mark called me back on that fateful morning, nearly 19 years ago. I had just returned to my desk after briefly watching early news coverage in the conference room. He said he thought more about our earlier conversation and had decided to just head up to Minneapolis to get my mom. He was already east of Omaha. “I’ll be back soon,” he said.
Mom was schedule to fly out of Minneapolis-Saint Paul International that morning, and Aunt Franny’s son Rick had returned to pick her up after all flights were cancelled. Mom sounded rattled, but she was not. She was concerned about what to do, and thinking about other families, with children. She was glad to hear Mark was on his way. Mark fixed Aunt Franny’s window while he was there, and Aunt Franny fixed them a nice dinner and took care of them. After a few hours’ sleep, Mark and Mom were on the road.
Our story is just one in a million of inconvenience and fear that occurred on that day. The important stories to remember are of those families who are still seeking justice today, like Bob McIlvaine, seeking justice for the murder of his son Robert McIlvaine Jr.
July 4, 2020 – Independence Day 2020, bravery and determination, truth and justice
2021 note: Did former President Trump follow through with his claim, “you will find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center?” What information would now be seen as true, a distraction or “misinformation.”

On this Independence Day, 2020, do you know what time of day, on that fateful day almost 19 years ago, the THIRD building fell to the ground? The building fell at 5:21 p.m., after a British broadcaster prematurely announced its collapse. On February 17, 2016, the President, then candidate, said, “You will find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center.” Yesterday, 7/3/20, the President called for politicians to summon the bravery and determination of our ancestors. Will your representative have the courage to advocate for the petition before the DOJ? Will the DOJ act with integrity?
In the name of all of those killed on that fateful day, and since that time, in the U.S. and around the world, let’s muster our own bravery and determination to declare the truth about that day, to demand an honest investigation, and to seek justice for those responsible for the attack on Americans, and for the continued attacks on our international neighbors. Seek justice and peace. View the evidence at Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry “Petition to Report Federal Crimes Concerning 9/11,” and exhibit. See also Firefighters for 9/11 Truth “Calling Out Bravo-7” and “Beyond Bravo-7.” See also Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, 911 Pilots, and Corbet Report’s documentaries on 9/11.
Personal story © Tracy L Aksamit 2020