Nebraskans for Safe Technology provides resources to the community about the risks associated with wireless radiation and surveillance. We promote awareness and responsible use of current and emerging technologies.
- Join us by emailing NE4SafeTech@protonmail.com
- Follow us on Facebook
- Second House EMR/RF Resources
- Lincoln’s RF Monitoring
- Americans for Responsible Technology
- Children’s Health Defense: Wireless electromagnetic radiation
- Children’s Health Defense: More EMR resources

- Airtube Earbuds – a tube separates the earbud from the speaker distancing the wave from the body.
- Phone Shield
- Laptop Shielding Pad
- Home Sew RFID Faraday fabric
- More shielding fabric
- Micro RF Detector
- Nourishing Traditions, Sally Fallon Morell
- New Biology Clinic, Dr. Tom Cowan’s podcasts
- True Living Fellowship, Dr. Andrew Kaufman’s podcasts