
This virtual library is dedicated to all those important people in our lives who have shared their sources that bring truth to light.


Local Organizations

Local Sources

Other Sources – Current Events – Alternative Sources

The Highwire, Del Bigtree’s news and information supporting the Informed Consent Action Network. With journalist, researcher, writer Jeffrey Jaxxen
Children’s Health Defense – Robert F. Kennedy Jr., end the epidemic of poor health plaguing our children. The Defender
The Corbett Report, features podcasts, interviews, and articles about important events and issue including Century of Enslavement, China and the New World Order, How & Why Big Oil Conquered the World, and the best of The Corbett Report.
Ice Age Farmer, food, abundance, warmth with Christian Westbrook at Odysee
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Technocracy News & Trends, Patrick Wood sources global technocracy news. (2) Quick start guide to what technocracy means. Wood discusses UN Agenda 2030 on the Mind Renewed.
Dr. Joseph Mercola, osteopath, using the “whole person” approach to healthcare
WAP site, Wise Traditions conference videos, Food, Farming and Healing Arts

Historical Sources

Many of the sources curated here are from the library of my father, N. H. Holverson, and others from truth-seekers that I value. In order to recognize their significant research and contributions, I will add the following number to the source. I wish I could recall the trail that led to every source.

  • (1) N. H. Holverson, my father and constitutionalist.
  • (2) James Corbett of the Corbett Report. Corbett is a self-described agorist.



Health, Medicine & Transhumanism


  • Simon, Julian (1996) The Ultimate Resource 2. Princeton: Princeton University Press. An anti-eugenics perspective, Simon wrote on the economics of population, and criticism of resource scarcity. (2)

Historical Events

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Alternative Legal Sources