Health & Wellness

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New Biology Clinic, New Biology Curriculum

Foundation for Alternative and Integrative MedicineCOVID-19 Page

American Association of Naturopathic Physicians

The Gaeta Institute – natural first, drugs last natural functional medicine offering certification

The Institute for Functional Medicine – as of 1/8/22 IFM supports COVID-19 injections.

Health Sources

Dr. Thomas Cowan, author of The Contagion Myth discussing terrain versus germ theory, Human Heart Cosmic Heart discussing circulation theory and structured, coherent water

Earthing – replacing negative electrons in the body by walking barefoot on the ground or using a device connected to a ground source.

Dr. Mark Hyman

Dr. Bredesen – End of Alzheimer’s Program

The Fourth Phase of Water, Dr. Gerald Pollack

Dr. David Brownstein

Dr. Jonathan Wright – a new path, “do more good, “ and the history and movement that rallied pressure on Congress, which led to D.S.H.E.A.: the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994, “Guide to Healing with Nutrition” Dr. Lamson – Treatment of mild Alzheimer’s with an inexpensive enzyme